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13th edition of the COPASAH Communique is out:Citizen initiatives of demanding accountability

Dear COPASAH friends, associates and members,

Greetings from COPASAH Communication Hub!

In continuation of our venture of communicating, sharing, learning and innovating from  practice based stories, we bring  to you the 13th edition of the COPASAH Communiqué focusing on citizen initiatives of demanding accountability.The edition may be of interest to you as it presents varied  experiences of practitioners from regions of South Asia, Central Europe, East Southern Africa and Latin America on demanding accountability. The edition is a combination of articles and video.

This edition forays into contexts like community initiatives of the marginalized Roma to increase access to health care in Bulgaria, citizens using community score cards for improving family planning services in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan). It showcases initiatives of rural community leaders to promote Citizen Vigilance, as a way of dealing with problems of access and quality of healthcare in Guatemala through a video, besides reflecting upon mutual initiatives of COPASAH-T/A Learn on learning about mobilizing accountability. It reflects peer learning and mutual exchange as strengthened  through Facilitated Learning Exchange in Uganda and strengthening of grassroots practitioners capacities on Health System Accountability in India through distance learning, hand-holding  and mentorship.

The 13th edition can be accessed at


It can also be accessed through ISSU alsoon https://issuu.com/copasah6/docs/newsletter_13

We hope you enjoy the Newsletter, and we look forward for your insights and feedback on   Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите. . We would be glad to incorporate your suggestions in our communications.

We would be grateful to you, if you could widely share the NEWSLETTER with your networks and partners.

Surekha Dhaleta,
For COPASAH Communication Hub!

Website: www.copasah.net

Blog: www.copasah.wordpress.com
Facebook:  http://www.facebookcom/pages/CommunityofPractioner

Извор: COPASAH – 07.04.2016




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