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The Unequal Economics of Women's Work - Making Women Count

Author(s): Kate McInturff & Brittany Lambert

March 7, 2016 - This study, co-published by CCPA and Oxfam Canada, looks at how women in Canada and around the world are affected by rising inequality, including the burden of unpaid work, the undervaluing of work in predominantly female fields, and the unspoken social norms that see men offered higher wages and rates of promotion than women. Women make up some of the poorest and lowest paid workers in the global economy. And, as the report shows, women are doing more and more work to grow countries’ economies without seeing equal benefits.

The study offers a number of solutions to help make women count, including a shift towards policies that support better wages and access to employment for women, better financial support of public services - like health and child care – to reduce the care burden on women, and a greater focus by governments to prioritize women’s rights.

Direct Link to Full 28-Page 2016 Report: http://www.oxfam.ca/sites/default/files/making-women-count-report-2016.pdf

Executive Summary Link: http://www.oxfam.ca/sites/default/files/making_women_count_-_executive_summary_-_oxfam_canada.pdf


Извор: WUNRN – 20.03.2016




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