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Resilient Women: Integrating Community Resilience Priorities in the Post-2015 Agenda – Latin America & The Caribbean

Huairou - Resilient Women: Integrating Community Resilience Priorities in the Post-2015 Agenda is an action research publication of the Community Practitioners Platform for Resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Community Practitioners Platform for Resilience (CPP) is an organizing and networking mechanism for community-based groups, grassroots women-led groups in particular, to reduce their vulnerability to disaster and climate risks in rural and urban areas. Aimed at building community-to-community support for advancing local development, CPP strategies include fostering exchanges of risk reduction and resilience building practices and establishing multi-community action plans that can be advanced with public officials and/or other stakeholders such as NGOs, donors, and research institutions. This action research spotlights the realities, actions, and gains of CPP’s Latin American and Caribbean member organizations. from Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Peru and Venezuela.

Direct Link to Full 64-Page 2015 Publication: https://huairou.org/sites/default/files/Resilient%20Women_web.pdf

Извор: WUNRN – 27.01.2016




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