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Nutrition Toolkit - Integrated Homestead Food Production – Women

©IFAD/Pablo Corral Vega - Peru - Management of Natural Resources in the Southern Highlands Project (MARENASS)

In 1977, IFAD made improving “the nutritional level of the poorest populations in developing countries” one of the principal objectives of its founding agreement. Since then, governments, civil society and development organizations also have come to recognize the central importance of nutrition. Not only is nutrition an outcome of economic growth, but, by improving human capital, it is also an essential input into economic and social development.

Focusing on nutrition also helps to build the resilience of poor households.

Integrated homestead food production (IHFP) is considered to be a nutrition-sensitive, pro-poor and women-controlled approach to household food production that includes vegetable and fruit gardens, backyard livestock-raising and small fish ponds. It can enhance poor rural people’s access to a variety of nutritious fresh foods, grown in close proximity to their households and requiring relatively limited human, financial and productive resources.

The IHFP toolkit provides valuable guidance to help practitioners incorporate Integrated Homestead Food Production and in the design and implementation of programmes and projects. The toolkit is composed of the following documents:

  • Teaser: analyzes the benefits and advantages of IHFP as well as the challenges and constraints

  • How to do note: provides operational guidance on how to design and implement projects that incorporate IHFP

  • Lessons learned: provides highlights of past experience and lessons learned on IHFP.

See also:

Извор: WUNRN – 09.12.2015




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