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Roma Inclusion Index 2015


The Roma Inclusion Index 2015 is the first publication to propose a list of relevant indicators and test the availability of existing data to measure progress or the lack thereof in addressing the exclusion of Roma according to the Decade priorities. It is not a data collection exercise – it only attempts to identify and gather in a comprehensive yet easily readable form existing data collected either officially by governments or by others. Hesitation to publish something similar before was due to the scarce existence of official periodic comparable data, but also the lack of agreement among Decade partners on indicators relevant for Roma inclusion. The Secretariat therefore decided to propose such a list itself, based on the work of experts such as those in the Fundamental Rights Agency Working Party on Roma Integration Indicators, to gather all the available quantitative data, although not sufficiently comparable and representative, and to publish the results. We hope this experience will assist the FRA and the European Union in establishing a standardized system of indicators and data collection on Roma inclusion. 

The Decade aimed at “eliminating discrimination and closing the unacceptable gaps between Roma and the rest of society”, notably in the areas of employment, education, health and housing, taking into consideration the cross-cutting areas of non-discrimination, gender equality and poverty reduction. Therefore, the Roma Inclusion Index contains a selection of indicators in all of these areas. Gender is mainstreamed in all the indicators by reporting on gender disaggregated data where they exist. For all the indicators the Roma Inclusion Index is looking for the difference (gap) between Roma and the overall population as the goal of the Decade was to close the gap. The indicators of the Roma Inclusion Index are intended to be fully consistent with the larger set of indicators being developed by the Fundamental Rights Agency.  

The Roma Inclusion Index applied a very simple and flexible methodology for gathering existing data. Consultants were engaged for each Decade country to identify and gather data. They prioritized official data, but also used data produced by international organizations or civil society. They gathered data for the years 2005 and 2014 if available, or otherwise data from years closest to the target dates.  Definitions of the indicators were applied as strictly as possible, and in cases where data fitting these definitions were not available, available data as close to the definition of the indicator as possible were provided. In some cases of unavailable data consultants combined datasets and performed estimations. 

In the Roma Inclusion Index 2015, after the introduction of the publication and the summary of the findings, the reader will find country-by-country visual presentations of the data for the total population, Roma and Romani females for each indicator. Concluding notes on the gap between the total population and Roma (as well as Romani females) and on the trend during the Decade period are drawn for each indicator. 

Crosscutting Issue: Gender

While data collection on Roma inclusion should be generally improved, standardized and made more frequent, the situation with gender disaggregation should be more seriously considered. In many countries for a significant number of indicators it was difficult to gather gender disaggregated data for Roma. Gender disaggregated data are less common for indicators closely related to households, such as housing and poverty. Such is the case in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Macedonia. In some countries gender disaggregation is missing also in the areas of education, employment and health for some of the indicators (in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Hungary and Romania).

In the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovakia only a few indicators lack gender disaggregated data. Gender disaggregated data for the total population has not been used in the Roma Inclusion Index. The comparison of the situation of Romani females is done against the total population, because it makes more sense to assess vulnerability and exclusion against a group that is included than against another vulnerable and excluded group.

Direct Link to Page 2015 Report




Извор: WUNRN – 28.09.2015




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