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7 Myths about Abortion that Need to Be Busted Promptly

September 28th Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion

Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW)


Let alone having an abortion, even saying the word abortion is often associated with a lot of stigma. We are busting 7 abortion myths with factual truths that you can use the next time you hear someone spread a myth.


MYTH Making abortion illegal will end abortion

TRUTH Criminalizing abortion doesn’t stop abortions – it only makes them unsafe

Studies have found a link between higher abortion rates and regions with more restrictive legislation, such as in Latin America and Africa. 95 to 97 percent of abortions in those regions were unsafe. 



MYTH Abortion is dangerous

TRUTH Research shows that women are actually 14 times more likely to die during or after childbirth than as a result of complications from safe abortion

The rate of complications, including deaths, caused by safe abortion is extremely low—so low that abortion is a suitable option for telemedicine, in which patients consult with a physician who works remotely.



MYTH Abortions won't happen if women knew what it was like to have a child

TRUTH Majority of women who had abortions were already mothers

A study from the US showed that most women having abortions (61%) already had at least one child. 34% of them had two or more children.



MYTH Only women need access to safe abortion

TRUTH Individuals of diverse gender identity also need access to abortion services

People who may need access to safe abortion services are not only cis-women. Trans-men, genderqueer and gender-nonconforming persons, as well as others of diverse gender identity who do not identify as women, can and do get pregnant.



MYTH Abortion damages people psychologically or a psychological traumatic experience

TRUTH There’s no such thing as Post-Abortion Trauma Syndrome

Abortion often occurs in the context of stressful, even traumatic, circumstances: sexual coercion, domestic violence, economic and educational disadvantage, overwhelming responsibilities. These situations are highly correlated with depression and with anxiety disorders. The scientific evidence from studies of large populations of women indicates that having an abortion neither alleviates nor causes psychiatric disorders. 



MYTH Abortion causes breast cancer

TRUTH There is no link between abortion and breast cancer

In 1997, the New England Journal of Medicine published the largest-scale study ever on this subject--with 1.5 million participants- which concluded that there is no independent link between abortion and breast cancer. 



MYTH If abortion is legal in a country, then it is accessible to those who need it

TRUTH Abortion being lawful doesn't always mean women can access the services or access the services without social stigma

"Establishing a liberal abortion law does not in itself ensure that women are able to obtain safe procedures. Health providers, legal bodies and the general public need to be made aware of the circumstances under which abortion is allowed and providers need to be trained and facilities equipped."


Извор: WUNRN – 28.09.2015




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