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Demographic Perspectives on Female Genital Mutilation

This report, the first such published by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), looks at FGM through the lens of population dynamics and the demographic dividend, based on current evidence and data. It offers quantitative information that both supports evidence-based programming, and frames financial implications for Member States and international donors. Evidence to define the size of the target population and orient actions around areas of greatest impact is of high value in developing interventions and formulating policies. UNFPA remains strongly committed to engaging with Member States, civil society, UN agencies and all other stakeholders to accelerate the elimination of FGM worldwide. Protecting girls upholds their sexual and reproductive health and rights, and enables them to realize their full potential.

FGM is a deeply ingrained cultural practice with devastating medical, social, emotional, legal and economic repercussions for young girls and women. It refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for cultural or other nonmedical reasons.2 Although primarily concentrated in 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East, FGM is a universal problem. It is practiced in some countries in Asia, including India, Indonesia, Iraq and Pakistan, as well as in Latin America, and among immigrant populations in Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand.

The first section of this paper presents background information and a description of efforts to eliminate FGM. The second section introduces key demographic characteristics of countries with FGM concentrations. The third section features current levels, trends and disparities based on the latest FGM statistics, focusing on gaps in existing analyses. The fourth section presents current projections of efforts required to eliminate FGM, providing a new perspective by factoring in demographic dynamics analysis.


Direct Link to Full 2015 UNFPA Report


Извор: WUNRN – 19.09.2015




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