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Women Speak Out for Peace: Global Media Campaign on the 2015 International Day of Peace

Dear GNWP Members, Friends and Colleagues,

On September 21, 2015 we will be commemorating again the International Peace Day. This year's theme "Partnerships for Peace - Dignity for All" aims to highlight the importance of all segments of society to work together to strive for peace.

For the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, we use this global momentum to invite all of you to take part in the Women Speak Out for Peace: A Global Media Campaign. This wide-reaching campaign will take place from September 21 to 27, 2015.

This is a great opportunity for us to transform the dominant images of women in the media as victims to those of peacebuilders, decision-makers and change agents. It is also an opportunity to further raise awareness and knowledge of UNSCR 1325, 1820, and the supporting Women, Peace and Security (WPS) resolutions globally.

The campaign objectives are the following:

  • To transform the depiction of women in conflict settings from victims to peacebuilders, decision-makers and change agents through the media;
  • To raise extensive awareness and knowledge of UNSCR 1325, 1820 and other supporting WPS resolutions; and of their practical application at the country and community levels; and

  • To demand greater accountability from governments, the UN, regional organizations and fellow civil society actors to honor their obligations under the WPS resolutions including but not limited to the development and implementation of National Action Plans.

Participants and Targets

This campaign aims to involve as many individuals and organizations as possible. All GNWP members and partners are encouraged to participate and reach out to their membership base. Civil Society Organizations and other stakeholders, such as, UN agencies, government officials, activists, students, and everyone who share the objectives of this initiative are welcome to participate, as well.  

How to participate

  • Send letters to the editors of newspapers and magazines - Please see sample letter below.

  • Write a blog and publish it in your organization's website or other websites that you think have a good following. Please see example of a blog below.

  • Send at least five tweets; or five Facebook or five Tumblr posts; and/or five text/SMS messages. For twitter updates, please use the hashtags: #PeaceDay, #WomPeaceMedia, #VAW #JustPeaceJustDevelopment. Please see examples below.

  • Speak on the radio and television. Reach out to radio and television broadcasters and request that they interview you or give you space to speak on their programs.

  • Send a photograph of yourself replying to the question "What makes for peace," by holding up a piece of paper, a banner, or writing the message on your hand. You can also upload this photo on Facebook or Tweet it, using the campaign's hashtags.

Attached is the campaign kit in English, French and Spanish. It includes sample letters to the editor, Tweets, Facebook messages, SMS/text messages in English, French and Spanish. We encourage you to be creative and utilize available resources in order for all of us to meet the objectives of the campaign.

Please contact Lauren von Eckartsberg at:  Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите.  for further questions.

Thank you and warmest regards, 


CAMPAIGN KIT: http://gnwp.org/sites/default/files/Women%2BSpeak%2BOut%2Bfor%2BPeace-A%2BGlobal%2BMedia%2BCampaign%2B2015%2Bkit.pdf


Извор: WUNRN - 15.09.2015




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