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UN Experts Letter Sent to Human Rights Council President on Concerns over Some Aspects of the Council Resolution on Protection of the Famil

On 3 July 2015, an Official Letter was sent to the PRESIDENT OF THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL on concerns over some aspects of the Human Rights Council Session 29 Draft Resolution (since then adopted) on Protection of the Family (See below).

The Letter was sent/signed by:

*Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Working Group on the Issue of Discrimination Against Women in Law and in Practice

*UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Its Causes and Consequences

*UN Special Rapporteur on the Right of Everyone to the Enjoyment of the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health

*UN Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography

Direct link to full letter:


Извор: WUNRN – 20.07.2015




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