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Human Development Report 2014 - Statistics - Gender Inequality Index +

Human Development Report 2014

Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience


Download 2014 Human Development Statistical Tables

Download 2014 Human Development Trends by Indicator

Adolescent birth rate (women aged 15-19 years) (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)
Adult literacy rate, both sexes (% ages 15 and older)
Average annual population growth rate (%)
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (tonnes)
Change in forest area, 1990/2011 (%)
Children under-five who are stunted (moderate and severe) (%)
Combined gross enrolment in education (both sexes) (%)
Education index
Estimated GNI per capita (PPP), female (Constant 2011 PPP$)
Estimated GNI per capita (PPP), male (Constant 2011 PPP$)
Expected years of schooling (of children) (years)
Expected years of schooling, females (years)
Expected years of schooling, males (years)
Expenditure on education, Public (% of GDP) (%)
Expenditure on health, total (% of GDP)
GDP per capita (2011 PPP $)
Gender Development Index (female to male ratio of HDI)
Gender Inequality Index
GNI per capita in PPP terms (constant 2011 PPP$)
HDI, Female
HDI, Male
Health index
Homicide rate (per 100,000)
Human development index (HDI)
Income Gini coefficient
Income index
Income quintile ratio
Inequality-adjusted education index
Inequality-adjusted HDI
Inequality-adjusted income index
Inequality-adjusted life expectancy index
Intensity of deprivation
Labour force participation rate (female-male ratio)
Life expectancy at birth (years)
Maternal mortality ratio (deaths per 100,000 live births)
Mean years of schooling (females aged 25 years and above) (years)
Mean years of schooling (males aged 25 years and above) (years)
Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years)
Multidimensional poverty index
Overweight children (moderate or severe) (% under age 5)
Parliamentary seats, female to male ratio
Population aged under 5 (millions)
Population in multidimensional poverty (%)
Population living below $1.25 PPP per day (%)
Population living on degraded land (%)
Population with at least secondary education, female/male ratio (Ratio of female to male rates)
Population, female (thousands)
Population, male (thousands)
Population, total both sexes (thousands)
Population, urban (% of population)
Primary school teachers trained to teach (%)
Prison population (per 100,000 people)
Remittance inflows (Workers' remittances and compensation, total received) (% of GDP)
Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)


Извор: WUNRN – 02.07.2015



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