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Tackling human trafficking: Secretary General urges 5 countries to complete the jigsaw

Strasbourg event marks ten years of Europe’s anti-trafficking convention

Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland has called on the Czech Republic, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Russia and Turkey, to join 43 other European states in ratifying the Council of Europe’s legally-binding convention against human trafficking.

Speaking at a conference in Strasbourg to mark the 10th anniversary of the convention, the Secretary General said: “Every day, in 21st century Europe, people are being trafficked across borders – and also within their own countries – and then exploited in the most horrendous ways. This has to stop.”

“Human trafficking affects the whole continent and requires a coordinated, pan-European response. Ten years after the convention was launched, there should no longer be any gaps.”

The Secretary General has sent letters to the authorities of the five Council of Europe member states concerned, urging them to take the necessary steps towards ratification of the convention.

The Council of Europe convention on action against trafficking in human beings was opened for signature on 16 May 2005. Countries which join the convention make a legal commitment to introducing measures to help prevent human trafficking, protect victims and prosecute offenders.

The conference in Strasbourg will focus on victims’ rights and will take stock of the progress made and shortcomings identified in European states’ efforts to prevent and combat human trafficking.

The body which monitors compliance with the convention, GRETArecently underlined the need for further measures in many countries to improve the identification of trafficking victims, to provide victims with better assistance – as well as compensation – and to boost the effectiveness of trafficking-related investigations, prosecutions and convictions.

Извор: Совет на Европа – 16.06.2015





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