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African Regional Human Rights System - Report

The African Regional Human Rights System

The publication narrates the origins of the African regional human rights mechanisms. It elaborates the normative framework and rights recognised in the regional human rights treaties in the region. It also focuses on how to use these monitoring and enforcement mechanisms and some of the challenges faced in doing so. This is a learning tool for human rights defenders, and especially trainers from the region interested in conducting training on human rights. With a focus also on civil society engagement in the regional human rights mechanisms, the publication provides useful insights at a practical level. The publication will enhance your knowledge on African regional human rights mechanisms. Written by: Getahun Atey Kassa

As part of developments in the international human rights movement, Africa has its own regional system for promotion and protection of human rights. Following the end of the Second World War, the international community has been working towards developing an international system for the promotion and protection of human rights that is binding on member states. With a view to attaining such goal, the international human rights system has developed human rights norms that apply across regimes and transcend geographical confines. Although the international human rights system is binding at the regional and national level, it is still difficult to adequately guarantee protection of human rights only through an international system.

Credible and effective regional as well as national system is needed for the promises of human rights to become a reality. That is among the reasons why Africa has developed regional system for promotion and protection of human rights. The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) was adopted to lay the normative frame for African Human Rights System. The Charter (unlike the UN system which developed two separate treaties for civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights) has made an explicit declaration that civil and political rights cannot be dissociated from economic, social and cultural rights.

The African regional human rights system attempts to reconcile the universal human rights standards and African values. It reflects a blend of international human rights standards and recognition to African cultural values.

Direct Link to Full 2015 Report

Извор: WUNRN – 22.04.2015




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