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Fragile States & Aid 2015 Report Shows Missing Gender Targeted Aid

OECD Report Says Aid Must Be Smarter to Fragile States to Stop Conflict & End Poverty

More focus needed on security and policing in fragile states, with nearly two-thirds likely to miss the millennium development goal of halving poverty by 2015

Report Quote: “Gender equality is not yet integrated in all areas of aid activities in fragile states. Nor is gender equality usually the primary object of DAC (OECD Development Assistance Committee) members’ aid activities in fragile states, according to the available data. Most Official Development Assistance (ODA) to gender equality areas in fragile situations goes to education and health; financing gaps remain in the peace and security sector and in the economic and productive sectors. Integrating a gender perspective in the peace and security sector does produce better peace building and state building outcomes. It makes state institutions more inclusive, enhances state legitimacy, fosters justice and security, and helps unlock women’s potential to contribute to economic recovery after conflict. Donors could also further invest in dedicated gender equality programmes.”

Iraq and Afghanistan accounted for 22% of official development assistance sent to fragile states and economies … searching through rubbish for recyclable items, Najaf, central Iraq. Photograph: Haidar Hamdani/Getty

Despite sending more than half their aid to countries marked by conflict, donor states have not been successful in promoting peace and building institutions, and this failure risks torpedoing efforts to lift the world’s most vulnerable people out of poverty, according to a new report.

States of Fragility 2015, which has been produced by New York University’s Center on International Cooperation (CIC) for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), says many countries will not be able to eradicate poverty if concentrated efforts to address fragility are not made now.

Full Report

Direct Link to Page 69 of Report


OECD – The Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development

Извор: WUNRN – 01.04.2015




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