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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Words & Deeds: Holding Governments Accountable in the Beijing+20 Review

Photo: Lena Stein

In 1995, at the historic United Nations 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing, governments from around the world agreed on one of the most progressive plans to advance women's rights and achieve gender equality – the Beijing Platform for Action. In it States committed to "revoke any remaining laws that discriminate on the basis of sex." 20 years later, this goal is far from being met.


There has been progress in removing legal discrimination against women. Equality Now is pleased to report that more than half of the countries highlighted in all three previous reports have repealed or fully or partially amended the discriminatory laws indicated. Among these countries are:


Legal provision repealed or amended since 2000


Wife obedience is no longer mandated


A sexual abuser is no longer exempt from punishment by agreeing a settlement with the victim

Australia, Switzerland

Women are now allowed to apply for all jobs in the army


Women now have equal inheritance rights to men

Bangladesh, Kenya

Women can now pass citizenship to their children on the same basis as men

Bolivia, France

Women are no longer prohibited from working at night

Colombia, Mexico, Romania, Turkey

The minimum ages of marriage for males and females are now the same

Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguay

A rapist can no longer avoid punishment by marrying the victim

Haiti, Jordan, Morocco

There is no longer an exemption from penalty for men who murder their wives and/or female relatives in certain circumstances

India*, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Serbia and Montenegro, Tonga

Marital rape is now a crime


Women can now obtain a passport without having to get approval from a male guardian or a husband


Women now have the right to vote


Women are no longer prohibited from working overtime and travelling for work during pregnancy and one year after childbirth


Property can now be registered in the name of women married in community property


Women are no longer prohibited from remarrying for a specified time after divorce or widowhood

Kenya, Monaco, Venezuela

Women can now pass their nationality to their foreign spouse on the same basis as men


Certain restrictions on women’s property rights have now been lifted


Discriminatory evidentiary standards applied to proving rape under the Zina Ordinance have been removed


Women are no longer restricted from passing their surname to their children

Republic of Korea, Turkey

Men are no longer designated as head of the family


A woman married in community of property can now register property in her own name

* Although India’s domestic violence law of 2006 gives women the option to bring a civil case for marital rape, India continues to exempt marital rape from its criminal law.

Извор: WUNRN – 16.02.2015



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