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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Euro Health Consumer Index 2014

In spite of financial crisis-induced austerity measures, such as the much publicized  restrictions on the increase of healthcare spend, European healthcare keeps producing better results. Survival rates of heart disease, stroke and cancer are all increasing, even though there is much talk about worsening lifestyle factors such as obesity, junk food consumption and sedentary life. Infant mortality, perhaps the most descriptive single indicator, also keeps going down, and this can be observed in countries such as the Baltic states, which were severely affected by the financial crisis.

What is less encouraging is that the tendency of an increasing equity gap between wealthy and less wealthy European countries noted in the EHCI 2013shows with increased clarity in the 2014 edition.  A  record of 9 countries, all Western European, are scoring above 800 points of the maximum 1000. These are followed at some little distance by three more affluent countries  (Austria, France and Sweden) “not quite making it” for different reasons. After those, there is a clearly visible gap to the next group of countries, where the first CEE and Mediterranean countries start appearing. This stratification is clearer in the EHCI 2014 than in any previous edition.

Euro Health Consumer Index 2014

Извор: Health Consumer Powerhouse – 29.01.2015



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