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Girls' Education - The Facts - Keeping Girls in School

Education represents the hopes, dreams and aspirations of children, families, communities and nations around  the world—the most reliable route out of poverty and a critical pathway towards healthier, more productive  citizens and stronger societies. Not surprisingly, when people are asked to list their priorities, education tops survey after survey, poll after poll.

There is consensus at virtually every level, from the poorest family in the most remote village to the global policy leaders who are shaping the world’s future development goals: education matters. This consensus has been translated into concrete action, propelling millions of children once denied an education into the classroom.

In the 15 years since the launch of the Millennium Development Goals—which set the target for every child to complete a full course of primary education by 2015—the latest data show that the number of primary school-age out-of-school children has dropped by 42%, and for girls by 47%, despite rapid population growth.

Why, then, are there still 58 million children, roughly between the ages of 6 and 11, out of school globally? Each and every one of these children is a stark reminder of the broken promise to achieve universal primary education by the original deadline of 2015.

Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All, a report produced by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and UNICEF, could not be more timely. As the international community renews its commitment to advance every child’s right to education, it explores why global progress has stalled since the early 2000s, when millions of additional children poured into the world’s classrooms, and provides the data and analysis needed to move forward and reach every child excluded from education.

Fixing the broken promise of education for all

Girls’education – the facts

Извор: WUNRN – 20.01.2015




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