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Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2022 - Unpacking Deprivation Bundles to Reduce Poverty

Direct Link to Full 44-Page 2022 Report: https://hdr.undp.org/system/files/documents/hdp-document/2022mpireportenpdf.pdf

The lives of poor people are complex, in part because multiple deprivations strike them together. This complexity has only increased in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. Rising food and fuel prices, climate shocks and a looming global recession have compounded uncertainties and post-pandemic challenges.1 Not only could more people become poor, but the intensity of poverty could increase. By looking closely at the interlinked deprivations of poor people, this report provides valuable insights on how to tackle multidimensional poverty—referred to simply as “poverty” throughout—by addressing its multiple dimensions. The microdata used to estimate the 2022 global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) values are gathered from household surveys across 111 counntries, covering 6.1 billion people. This report uses those estimates to make visible, for the first time, common deprivation profiles and bundles: combinations of deprivations experienced by 1.2 billion poor people, or nearly double the number of people in monetary poverty.

Извор: WUNRN – 18.10.2022




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