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2022 State of World Population Report: The Case for Action in the Neglected Crisis of Unintended Pregnancy

Direct Link to Full 56-Page UNFPA 2022 Report: EN_SWP22 report_0.pdf (unfpa.org)

The number of unintended pregnancies that occur every year — 121 million, or 331,000 per day on average — represents a global failure to uphold a basic human right. And that failure is expected to grow. While recent data also show that, worldwide, the unintended pregnancy rate fell between 1990 and 2019 (Bearak and others, 2020), continued global population growth means that the absolute number of unintended pregnancies will keep rising without decisive action. Delivering the sexual and reproductive health services individuals and communities need will only become more difficult in the face of tectonic shifts like climate change, conflicts, public health emergencies and mass migration. These megatrends will test the capacity of health systems even as demand grows, especially in the world’s least-developed countries, where crises will be felt most acutely and where services and resources are already in critically short supply.


Извор: WUNRN – 30.06.2022




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