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European Region - Responding to Violence Against Women & Children During COVID-19

Responding to violence against women and children during COVID-19: impact on service provision, strategies and actions in the WHO European Region - World | ReliefWeb


Direct Link to Full 75-Page 2021 WHO Publication:

9789289056403-eng.pdf (reliefweb.int)

This report explores the strategies led by government, nongovernmental and civil society organizations to prevent and respond to violence against women and children (VAWC) during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact of the pandemic on service demand across the WHO European Region.

Notable high-level commitments and promises were made at the beginning of the pandemic to address the anticipated surge in VAWC, but there is still significant room for improvement. For example, within health systems, it is suggested that Member States increase investment in human resources working in VAWC responses; increase and earmark financial resources for VAWC-related work; and strengthen the integration of the health system response within multisectoral plans (33). Governments could ensure that the need to protect women and children does not fall on NGOs and CSOs as the world rebuilds from COVID-19. Further research is also needed to understand how the mental health impacts of the pandemic, along with the wider disruptions to service provision and access to work and education, will affect VAWC in the long term.

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Извор: WUNRN – 14.12.2021




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