Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Соопштение од Агенцијата за вработување на Република Северна Македонија во врска со мерките и активностите за превенција од ширење на болеста COVID-19

Ги информираме сите невработени лица и работодавачи дека од 08.04.2020 година приемот на странки во центрите за вработување ќе биде од 08:30 до 13:30 часот.Оваа промена е согласно Одлуката за утврдување на распоред на работното време во Владата на Република Северна Македонија, министерствата и другите органи на државната управа објавена во „Службен весник на Република Северна Македонија“, бр.92 /2020 од 06/04/2020, според која работното време на институциите е од 08:00 до 14:00 часот, како и воведување на забрана на движењето за сите граѓани на ниво на целата територија на Република Северна Македонија, секој работен ден, од понеделник до петок, од 16:00 часот до 05:00 часот наредниот ден.


Извор: АВРСМ – 07.04.2020


Children’s story book released to help children and young people cope with COVID-19

News release of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee

A new story book that aims to help children understand and come to terms with COVID-19 has been produced by a collaboration of more than 50 organizations working in the humanitarian sector, including the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and Save the Children.

With the help of a fantasy creature, Ario, “My Hero is You, How kids can fight COVID-19!” explains how children can protect themselves, their families and friends from coronavirus and how to manage difficult emotions when confronted with a new and rapidly changing reality.

The book – aimed primarily at children aged 6-11 years old – is a project of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, a unique collaboration of United Nations agencies, national and international nongovernmental organizations and international agencies providing mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings.


RESPECT women: Preventing violence against women


Violence against women is a major public health problem rooted in gender inequality, and is a gross violation of women’s human rights affecting the lives and health of millions of women and girls. Aiming to end violence against women, a package/framework with infographics on prevention of violence against women - RESPECT – Preventing violence against women: A framework for policymakers, was developed, based on the UN framework for action to prevent violence against women from 2015 and updated new evidence.


Impact of HPV vaccination and cervical screening on cervical cancer elimination: A comparative modelling analysis in 78 low-income and lower-middle-income countries



The WHO Director-General has issued a call for action to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem. To help inform global efforts, we modelled potential human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and cervical screening scenarios in low-income and lower-middle-income countries (LMICs) to examine the feasibility and timing of elimination at different thresholds, and to estimate the number of cervical cancer cases averted on the path to elimination.


The WHO Cervical Cancer Elimination Modelling Consortium (CCEMC), which consists of three independent transmission-dynamic models identified by WHO according to predefined criteria, projected reductions in cervical cancer incidence over time in 78 LMICs for three standardised base-case scenarios: girls-only vaccination; girls-only vaccination and once-lifetime screening; and girls-only vaccination and twice-lifetime screening. Girls were vaccinated at age 9 years (with a catch-up to age 14 years), assuming 90% coverage and 100% lifetime protection against HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58. Cervical screening involved HPV testing once or twice per lifetime at ages 35 years and 45 years, with uptake increasing from 45% (2023) to 90% (2045 onwards). The elimination thresholds examined were an average age-standardised cervical cancer incidence of four or fewer cases per 100 000 women-years and ten or fewer cases per 100 000 women-years, and an 85% or greater reduction in incidence. Sensitivity analyses were done, varying vaccination and screening strategies and assumptions. We summarised results using the median (range) of model predictions.


Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

WHO is gathering the latest scientific findings and knowledge (primarily journal articles) on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and compiling it in a database. We update the database daily from searches of bibliographic databases, hand searches of the table of contents of relevant journals, and the addition of other relevant scientific articles that come to our attention. The entries in the database may not be exhaustive and new research will be added regularly.

Database of publications on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

You can search the WHO database of publications on coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Articles are searchable by author, key word (title, author, journal), journal, or by general topic. To see the most recently added citations, select “Newest updates”. 

The database is updated daily, Monday through Friday.

The evidence retrieval sub-group has begun collaboration with key partners to enrich the citations and build a more comprehensive database with inclusion of other content. To access the database




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