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#SafeHome Campaign to Protect Women & Children at Risk of Domestic Violence

FIFA, European Commission & World Health Organization launch #Safehome campaign to protect women & Children at risk of domestic violence

26 May 2020 - FIFA, WHO, and the European Commission have joined forces, to launch the #SafeHome campaign to support women and children at risk of domestic violence. The campaign is a joint response from the three institutions to the recent spikes in reports of domestic violence as stay-at-home measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 have put women and children experiencing abuse at greater risk. 

Almost one in three women worldwide experience physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner or sexual violence by someone else in their lifetime. In a majority of cases, that violence is committed by a partner in their home - indeed, up to 38% of all murders of women are committed by an intimate partner. It is also estimated that one billion children aged between two and seventeen years (or half the world’s children) have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional violence or neglect in the past year.   

There are many reasons why people perpetrate domestic violence, including gender inequality and social norms that condone violence, childhood experiences of abuse or exposure to violence and coercive control growing up. Harmful use of alcohol can also trigger violence. Stressful situations, such as those being experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic instability, exacerbate the risk. Moreover, the current distancing measures in place in many countries make it harder for women and children to reach out to family, friends and health workers who could otherwise provide support and protection.


Disappearance of the Women, Peace & Security Agenda in the Language of Country-Specific UN Security Council Resolutions - Civil Society Guide

Resolutions Adopted by the UN Security Council in 2020:


Where are the Words?, shows that Women, Peace and Security resolutions are not being translated into country-specific resolutions. This guide accompanies the report and aims to support activists to strengthen their advocacy and understandings of the UN Security Council and take steps towards holding the UN system accountable for its commitments on the WPS Agenda.

Direct Link to Full 32-Page 2020 Report:


Извор: WUNRN – 24.06.2020


Coronavirus Coverage & Call for More Visibility of Female Scientist Expertise

With male voices dominating the pandemic narrative, female scientists are lamenting the loss of diverse perspectives

BY TERESA CARR - 06.22.2020

FOR A SWEEPING and much-lauded New York Times article on how the pandemic may play out over the next year, veteran science reporter Donald G. McNeil, Jr. consulted nearly two dozen experts in public health, medicine, epidemiology, and history. Initially, I only scanned the nearly 5,000-word story, and the names of experts sluiced by as I picked out predictive nuggets on lockdowns, death tolls, and vaccines. But after several women scientists called out McNeil for bias towards men on Twitter, I went back for a closer look.

Sure enough, only two of 19 experts cited were women: Luciana Borio, a former director of medical and biodefense preparedness at the National Security Council, and Michele Barry, director of the Center for Innovation and Global Health at Stanford University. McNeil included quotes from both that mention family.


Call to Men for Racial & Gender Justice

By Tony Porter, CEO, A CALL TO MEN

23 June 2020 -We are living in a monumental, historic moment. One that our children’s children will learn about in school. A reckoning. A great awakening for many. And an opportunity for everyone to face systemic inequity and injustice with courage, resolve, and a commitment to change.

My role, as a Black man and as a social justice leader, is to use my platform to elevate these issues. To lift up the voices of Black women and others who face multiple forms of group oppression. To speak my truth. To share my lived experience—even though it can be traumatic and is primarily for the benefit of furthering White folks’ understanding. Still, I am committed to using the influence I have to pursue a more just and equitable world.

Our work at A CALL TO MEN seeks to end gender-based violence and discrimination and address intersectional oppression at its roots. We intentionally look to those “at the margins of the margins” to articulate their own lived experience and help define solutions that will be effective in their lives. When we center our attention and efforts on those folks, it is our belief that everyone will benefit. This philosophy holds true for any anti-oppression work—and is especially relevant as we look at racism in America in 2020.


Livelihoods of 55+ Million Domestic Workers at Risk Due to COVID-19

© I. Bonham / ILOGENEVA (ILO News) – Nearly three-quarters of domestic workers around the world – more than 55 million people – are at significant risk of losing their jobs and income due to lockdown and lack of effective social security coverage, according to new estimates by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

On the 9th anniversary of the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention, new ILO estimates reveal the risks facing domestic workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

16 June 2020 - The vast majority – 37 million – of these domestic workers are women.

An assessment made at the beginning of June shows that the most affected region was Southeast Asia and the Pacific, with 76 per cent of domestic workers at risk, followed by the Americas (74 per cent) Africa (72 per cent) and Europe (45 per cent).




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