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OSCE Appeal to States to Help End Gender-Based Violence

OSCE – Organization for Security & Co-Operation in Europe

OSCE Article on NO PEACE WITHOUT WOMEN – October 31, 2020 - No Peace Without Women | OSCE

OSCE leaders join the 16 Days of Activism campaign with an appeal to states to help end gender-based violence (campaign-archive.com)

WUNRN invites you to visit and engage with WUNRN Europe Twitter at: https://twitter.com/wunrn_eu

TIRANA / VIENNA / WARSAW, 25 November 2020 - On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and the start of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, OSCE leaders called on participating States to increase their efforts and resources to combat violence against women and girls, particularly in times of crises.


Lack of Hate Crimes Recording Means Victims & Their Needs Often Remain Invisible - Gender +

Lack of hate crime recording means victims and their needs too often remain invisible, OSCE’s human rights office says (campaign-archive.com)

WUNRN invites you to visit and engage with WUNRN Europe Twitter at: https://twitter.com/wunrn_eu

WARSAW, 16 November 2020 – With the publication of its annual Hate Crime Report on today’s International Day for Tolerance, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) underscores the need for police to record hate crimes in order to ensure that victims are recognized and receive the support they so urgently need.

Behind every hate crime is a painful and often traumatic story of physical and psychological injury, fear and threat. Victims of hate crime are targeted for who they are and for characteristics intrinsic to their identity, and which they share with others. Recording such crimes and offering support to those affected is therefore key to ensuring the security of individual victims, their communities and society as a whole.


Global Strategy to Accelerate Elimination of Cervical Cancer - WHO

World Health Organization – WHO

Direct Link to Full 56-Page Campaign WHO Document:


Press Release: https://www.who.int/news/item/17-11-2020-a-cervical-cancer-free-future-first-ever-global-commitment-to-eliminate-a-cancer

WHO‘s Global Strategy to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer, launched November 17, outlines three key steps: vaccination, screening and treatment. Successful implementation of all three could reduce more than 40% of new cases of the disease and 5 million related deaths by 2050.

Извор: WUNRN – 17.11.2020


Violence Against Women in Parliaments

Violence against women in parliament poses a serious challenge to democracy. In addition to being a blatant human rights violation, it seriously impedes women’s access to leadership positions and their ability to fulfil the mandate they were elected to deliver.

Women still face numerous obstacles to being treated as equals in politics, despite their increasing presence in many of the world’s parliaments. They often face preconceived notions of how they should look, speak and behave. Simply by engaging in politics, women often challenge traditional roles and prompt a redistribution of power away from its traditionally male base.

Being a parliamentarian places women at risk of various forms of violence and harassment. The media often perpetuate the problem by stereotyping women MPs, and especially by objectifying and sexualizing them, and over-emotionalizing their comments and behaviour. Social media often creates a ripple effect around such behavior, and creates a disproportionate impact.




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