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World Bank Group Gender Strategy Consultations - Call for Input

Towards a World Bank Group Gender Strategy

The World Bank Group is preparing a new gender strategy, which is expected to be finalized and discussed by the Board of Executive Directors later this year. In developing the strategy, we will consult with stakeholders worldwide from mid-April to mid July 2015. To see the consultation plan, click here.

The strategy is being developed to reflect fundamental changes in the world and at the World Bank Group and to respond to accumulating evidence on what works to close gender gaps.  The previous World Bank strategy on gender, adopted in 2001, emphasized gender equality as an issue of development effectiveness and laid the basis for integrating gender into the Bank’s policy dialogue, analytic work, and operations.  A renewed strategy on gender equality will address how the World Bank Group can support client countries and companies to achieve greater gender equality as a key pathway to ensure lasting poverty reduction and shared prosperity.  We envision a strategy that is operational, with stronger emphasis on results in client countries and in our work with private sector clients– results that close key gender gaps and enhance women’s voice and agency. 


World Social Protection Report 2014-15: Building economic recovery, inclusive development and social justice

The report presents the latest social security trends and provides information on social protection systems, coverage, benefits and expenditures in more than 190 countries.

Social protection policies play a critical role in realizing the human right to social security for all, reducing poverty and inequality, and promoting inclusive growth – by boosting human capital and productivity, and by supporting domestic demand and structural transformation of national economies. This ILO flagship report provides a global overview of the organization of social protection systems, their coverage and benefits, as well as public expenditures on social protection. 

The report follows a life-cycle approach, starting with social protection for children, followed by schemes for women and men in working age, and closing with pensions and other support for older persons. It also assesses progress towards universal coverage in health. The report further analyses trends and recent policies, such as the negative impacts of fiscal consolidation and adjustment measures, and urgently calls to expand social protection for crisis recovery, inclusive development and social justice.


New video presents the faces of LGBT “everyday heroes” to the world

The contributions that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people make to families and local communities around the world are celebrated in a new video produced by the UN human Rights Office for its Free and Equal campaign.

The 2 minute video features everyday people filmed in their workplaces and homes - among them a fire-fighter, a police officer, a teacher, an electrician, a doctor and a volunteer; as well as UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, a long-time ally of the LGBT community. Singer Sara Bareilles is lending her support to the initiative: her iconic song “Brave” provides the video’s soundtrack.

”FACES” was launched on 14 May – days ahead of the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, which is celebrated in many countries around the world on 17 May. The video was premiered on giant NASDAQ and Reuters screens in Times Square, a renowned attraction for millions of tourists from around the world who visit New York City every year.


International Federation of Journalists Report on Journalists & Media Staff Killed in 2014 - Women

26 February 2015 - The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today published its full report on journalists and media staff killed last year in targeted killings, cross fire incidents as well as work-related accidents.

Direct Link to Full Report

The 24th IFJ annual report calls for a united front to deliver safety in journalism, after 118 killings of journalists and 17 deadly accidents recorded in 2014. The IFJ says that last year’s death toll confirmed the increasing violence against journalist which has reached record levels in the last decade.

“In this regard, 2014 provided more of the same and much worse,” said IFJ General Secretary Beth Costa. “The beheadings of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff by the so-called Islamic State shocked the most hardened risk-taker of media professionals. The journalists were used as pawns and publicly executed in furtherance of a depraved political agenda.”

The 2014 report confirms that Pakistan, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and Ukraine were the most deadliest countries in the world. It ranks Asia Pacific as the most dangerous region with 39 killings, followed by the Middle East (31), Latin America (26), Africa (17) and Europe (9).


International Day of Families - Need for Gender Equality, Children's Rights - Fair Legal Frameworks - End Discrimination & Violence

Iraqi IDP family in Tikrit inside the unfinished building that is their temporary home. Photo: UNHCR/C. Robinson

15 May 2015 – It is time to change social norms that support male control over women and reinforce discrimination against vulnerable family members, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today on International Day of Families.

The UN chief added that equitable social and economic development depends on fair legal frameworks that support the rights of women and children.

“Discriminatory laws and practices that do not give equal rights to all, and that suppress women's and children's rights, have no place in contemporary families, communities, societies and nations,” Mr. Ban said in a statement.

Discrimination and neglect often leads to violence, threatening women's and children's health and limiting their chances to complete education and fulfil their potential. This cycle tends to continue into the next generation, as children experiencing violence are more likely to resort to violence in their adult lives, he added.

“In too many countries, discrimination against women and disregard for children's rights remain built into family laws and Government policies, and prevailing social norms often condone and justify many discriminatory practices,” Mr. Ban said.




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