Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








The Hidden Epidemic of Brain Injuries from Domestic Violence


Research shows that survivors of abuse can sustain head trauma more often than football players. But they are almost never diagnosed

‘So much money goes into investigating concussions in sports. … There’s no money to be made from studying intimate-partner abuse.’

By Christa Hillstrom

March 1 2022 - Her chipped front tooth was harder to hide than the broken molars knocked loose during two decades of beatings. When she went shopping, she would hold items in her hands, assessing how much damage they would do to her body. She had stopped buying leather belts, the braided kind. She remembered getting some of her injuries. With others, the memories hung fuzzy and distant.

They met in 1996, when she was a teenager with a new baby. She had already spent years raising her younger siblings when her own mother, who suffered from mental illness and was a survivor of domestic abuse, could not. The first time Becky remembers her boyfriend hurting her, about six months into their relationship, was when he was joking around: a tug on her hair that was surprisingly forceful. Underneath the laughing, something felt mean. And then the meanness got darker.


EU - Women in Times of COVID 19 - Report


Most EU women blame COVID pandemic for spike in gender violence -poll (msn.com)

Direct Link to Full 7-Page Report: Women_in_times_of_Covid19_2022_ep_eb_fl_summary_en.pdf

March 4, 2020 - Marking International Women’s Day 2022, the European Parliament commissioned a Flash Eurobarometer survey to gather women's opinions on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on violence against women, mental health and women’s working lives. 77% of women in the EU think that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in physical and emotional violence against women in their own country, ranging from 93% in Greece to 47% in Hungary. Four in ten respondents (38%) say the pandemic has also had a negative impact on women’s income, as well as on their work-life balance (44%) and on the amount of time they allocate to paid work (21%). Specifically looking at gender related issues, the study also focuses on women’s future priorities for the European Parliament. Trafficking and sexual exploitation for women and children (47%) and mental and physical violence against women (47%), followed by the pay gap between women and men and its impact on career development (41%), are the top 3 gender priorities for the European Parliament.

Извор: WUNRN – 06.03.2022

Guide to Strengthening Gender Integration in Climate Finance Projects

Direct Link to Full 68-Page 2021 Guide:

Gender-and-climate-finance-report_web.pdf (cdkn.org)

Designed for project teams preparing, designing, implementing and monitoring climate finance projects in developing countries under the four primary multilateral climate funds - the Adaptation Fund, Climate Investment Funds, Global Environment Facility and Green Climate Fund - as well as for those overseeing project team approaches, this report provides a framework and examples for strengthening gender integration.

Извор: WUNRN – 05.03.2022

Gender-Based Violence Is a Public Health Issue - WHO

Gender based violence is a public health issue: using a health systems approach (who.int)

25 November 2021 - Providing quality health care services for GBV survivors is critical in any crisis, whether it be natural disasters, conflicts, disease outbreaks or others. GBV has significant and long-lasting impacts on physical and mental health including injury, unintended pregnancy and pregnancy complications, sexually transmitted infections , HIV, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even death.

The role of health care providers to address GBV is crucial to ensure life-saving care for women, girls and other at-risk groups. They are often among the first—and only—points of contact for GBV survivors. Health care providers not only offer immediate medical attention and first-line support but can link survivors to other needed assistance including mental health and psychosocial support, social services, legal aid, shelter/housing services, or livelihood support. 


Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals - Gender SDG Snapshot 2021


Direct Link to Full 30-Page 2021 UN Women Publication: https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/Headquarters/Attachments/Sections/Library/Publications/2021/Progress-on-the-Sustainable-Development-Goals-The-gender-snapshot-2021-en.pdf

The pandemic has tested and even reversed progress in expanding women’s rights and opportunities. Women have not recovered lost jobs and income, hunger is on the rise, and school closures threaten girls’ educational gains. Women’s participation in government, research, and resource management remains far from equal. Vulnerable groups of women, including migrants, those with disabilities, and those affected by conflict, are frequently left behind. Disparities between rich and poor countries are preventing equal access to lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, putting women in poorer countries at disproportionate risk.

Извор: WUNRN – 20.02.2022




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