Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




Workshop on monitoring and analysis of public revenues

In the period from 16 to 21 February 2014, five representatives of the Association ESE attended the five-day workshop on monitoring and analysis of public expenditures. The training was held in Berovo and conducted by an international expert on budget monitoring and analysis, Rosio Moreno Lopex, permanent associate of the association.

The workshop comprised of two parts: theoretical and practical part. During the theoretical part, ESE staff acquired knowledge and skills about the importance and application of the approach for monitoring and analysis of public revenues.  In addition to the theoretical part, the association ESE together with the international expert developed a strategy to expand the activities in the field of monitoring and analysis of health budgets and introduction of the public revenues analysis in its work. The concrete parts of the public revenues that will be subject of further analysis were also defined during the training.   

UPR (Universal Periodic Review) working meeting

The Association for emancipation, solidarity and equality of women of RM – ESE, on 06 March (Thursday), held a joint meeting with the citizen associations in order to review the draft Report of the working group on the Universal Periodic Review and the recommendations that our country should accept until June. The meeting is part of the initiative “Human rights in health care“ and it is financially supported by the Foundations Open Society New York and the Foundation Open Society Macedonia. The purpose of the joint meeting is to reach a common agreement about promotion and advocacy for given recommendations to our state with regard to the protection of the right to health.

The joint meeting was a continuation of our efforts and work towards promotion of the health status of several marginalized groups of population. Part of this process was also the preparation of the Joint report on implementation of the right to health in several vulnerable groups of patients within the mechanism (UPR – Universal Periodic review), which was submitted to the UN Council on human rights.

The following citizen associations attended the meeting: Foundation Open Society Macedonia, Coalition “Sexual and health rights of marginalized communities“, Republic centre for support of people with intellectual disability - PORAKA, H.Е.R.А. Association for health education and research, KHAM Delcevo, Open Gate – La Strada, Roma organization for multicultural affirmation – ROMA SOS, National Roma Centre and LGBTI Centre.

 Source: Association for emancipation, solidarity and equality of women of RM – ESE – 07.03.2014

Providing timely and quality service by the First aid emergency services for Roma people and all other citizens of RM


Unfavorable socio-economic and living conditions, along with the barriers in the access to health services contribute to the poor health status and shorter life span of Roma people compared to the majority population. According to research data, 45% of male Roma and 64% of female Roma suffer from chronic diseases.

Nevzat is one of the 25000 Roma who suffers from several chronic diseases (tuberculosis, bronchitis and asthma). Often he needs the First aid emergency services which mean care for his health and saving his life. However, the first aid services do not always respond to his calls”

The prepared video illustrates the barriers that Roma people face in the access to health care, in particular when the First aid services refuse to provide their services. The main purpose of our  petition is to ensure timely and quality First aid services both for Roma and all other citizens of RM when that is required. Therefore, in this petition we shall request the following from the Ministry of health:

- Preparation and adoption of a unified triage protocol whereby the First aid service will be able to establish whether to respond to the citizens’ requests. The adherence to the protocol shall eliminate the free judgment of health workers whether they need to respond to the calls.

- Any call to the first aid service should be recorded and the records should be kept for long time for the whole territory of RM. Citizens who were prevented to exercise their right to first aid can use this measure in any further procedures to exercise their rights.

Demographic standards for the First aid service in the network of medical institutions need to be developed and the First aid service should be adequately equipped with equipment and staff. This shall enable timely and quality services on the whole territory of RM.


New Year party for the women beneficiaries of the free services of the Centre for legal assistance and Psychological counseling office of ESE

New Year holidays are period when we all give presents and try to make our surrounding happier.

Like in the past 18 years, this year the association ESE traditionally organizes the New Year party for the children of our clients.

On 28 December 2013 (Saturday) at 11:00 hrs, at the educational centre within the Skopje Zoo, we organized a New Year party for 40 children and their parents. The New Year party was divided in two parts: 30 minutes education for the children about animals and wildlife and 30 minutes party with Santa Clause and giving presents.

This New Year party was also organized to mark and confirm our dedication and work in the field of improving the status of women in our society through social justice and equality.

The New Year party is part of the 2013 Work program of ESE.

The event was supported with donations from: Skopje Zoo; Office Plus, Rotary Club Skopje, Makprogres Vinica and Ramstore Skopje.





Domestic Violence

Health Rights

Fiscal Transparency

Legal Aid Center

Health Information Centre