Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




ESE in collaboration with more than 70 civil society organizations has submitted OPEN STATEMENT: WHY STRONG, ACCOUNTABLE INSTITUTIONS MATTER BEYOND 2015 to the United Nations

We, the under-signed, believe transparent, accountable and inclusive institutions are vital if we are to end poverty and protect the planet.

We are convinced that a specific goal addressing this urgent call is an essential component of the Post-2015 Development Framework. The reasons are overwhelming.

Millions of citizens around the world, particularly youth, are demanding more open and accountable governance. In a public opinion poll, over seven million people identified “honest and responsive government” as one of their top four development priorities. The Post-2015 Development Framework must respond to this overwhelming call by enabling people, especially those experiencing poverty and marginalization, to participate in governance at all levels.

In order to eradicate poverty and ensure sustainable development, governments, companies and civil society must collaborate to strengthen transparency, participation and accountability. We should promote open societies, a free media and freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, legal empowerment and the rule of law. We should also join forces to implement anti-corruption measures that enable effective and inclusive economic, social and political institutions at all levels of society.


Participation on Annual Trial Monitoring Meeting

In the period 26 - 28 November 2014 in Tbilisi, Georgia, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has organized the Annual Trial Monitoring Meeting. Stojan Mishev, the assistant on USAID’s Women’s Legal Protection Project attended the event On behalf of ESE.   

Annual Trial Monitoring Meeting is an event that is organized each year, and besides the participation of OSCE’s missions from different countries, it is attended by international organizations and national organizations working in the field of monitoring of court cases and improving the level of court protection of human rights in their societies. The objective of the event is to promote the concept of judicial monitoring and exchange experiences between different missions and organizations that are applying this concept in their work.

Based on the previous experience on the organization on this field, as well as the importance of USAID’s Women’s Legal Protection Project, representative of ESE moderated the thematic session for monitoring of court cases related to gender-based violence and discrimination.


Second working meeting for preparation of templates for monitoring court cases (16.12.2014)

As part of the USAID Women’s Legal Protection Program, on 16.12.2014, the Association ESE organized the second working meeting for preparation of questionnaires for data collection from courts and monitoring the court cases related to violence and discrimination against women. The process of preparation of the respective questionnaires includes representatives from vulnerable groups, civil and criminal judges, prosecutors, defense lawyers, representatives of relevant international organizations, as well as representatives of partner organizations in the project, LA STRADA and Coalition of sexual and health rights of marginalized communities.

The main goal of the three-year project is to raise the level of legal protection of women who are victims of discrimination and violence in the country. Data collection regarding the work of judges in these cases shall be used for the preparation of an analysis with recommendations to improve the protection provided by the judiciary and other relevant institutions in this area.


Training on Health and Budgets – Module 2

The training on Health and Budgets aimed for civil organizations in Republic of Macedonia was held in the period from 11 to 13 December 2014 at the hotel Sirius in Strumica. The completion of the second module of the training on health and budgets, marked the end of the first cycle of trainings aimed to strengthen the capacities of civil organizations from Republic of Macedonia about the application of new methodologies for analyses and advocacy. The experiences were shared with total of 30 representatives from the civil sector at two continuous three-day trainings.

During the second training module, the participants from civil organizations were introduced to the following topics: techniques and tools for budget analysis, application of the methodology for monitoring the community and social audit, manner of using and interpretation of budget documents and data, etc. Total of 26 participants from 14 civil organizations attended the second training module.

The training was conducted by the Association ESE with financial support from the Foundation Open Society Macedonia and the Foundations Open Society New York.

The training was conducted by the following trainers: Darko Antik, coordinator of the program for monitoring and budget analysis from the Association ESE, Borjan Pavlovski, coordinator of the program for public health and women’s health from the Association ESE and Vanco Velinov, economist at the Public Health Institute of RM.


Workshop “Strategic advocacy in cases of violation of human rights in health care“

As part of the project: “Human rights in health care“, on 30 October 2014, the Association for emancipation, solidarity and equality of women – ESE,  held one-day workshop on the topic: Strategic advocacy in cases of violation of human rights in health care”. The project is financially supported by the Foundation Open Society Macedonia and the Foundations Open Society New York.

The workshop was attended by nine representatives from civil organizations ad organizations for protection of patients’ rights. The workshop was aimed to analyze the previously prepared cases of health rights violations, i.e. limitation or violation of patient’s rights with regard to health care, health insurance and patient’s rights.

At the following workshops, the citizen associations shall inform about any administrative or court procedures taken, as well as about the experiences, i.e. the outcome of actions taken for protection of health rights’ violations.




Domestic Violence

Health Rights

Fiscal Transparency

Legal Aid Center

Health Information Centre