Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




Колкаво е нивото на реактивност и проактивност кај јавните институции во РСМ во 2021 година

ФИСКАЛНА ТРАНСПАРЕНТНОСТ И ВООПШТО ТРАНСПАРЕНТНОСТА ВО РАБОТЕЊЕТО НА ЈАВНИТЕ ИНСТИТУЦИИ  треба да претставуваат основен принцип и вредност на секоја земја/Влада во светот со кој ќе се осигури поголема доверба во стабилноста на земјата и поголеми инвестиции и развој.

РЕАКТИВНАТА ТРАНСПАРЕНТНОСТ претставува обезбедување на информации на барање на јавноста и таа се мери преку анализа на постапките за пристап до информации од јавен карактер, за секоја институција поодделно.

ПРОАКТИВНАТА ТРАНСПАРЕНТНОСТ  претставува доброволно објавување на информации и документи од страна на институциите, и таа се мери преку  мониторинг на објавувањето или необјавување на клучни документи и информации.



Колкаво е нивото на реактивна транспарентност кај јавните институции во РСМ во 2021 година


РЕАКТИВНАТА ТРАНСПАРЕНТНОСТ претставува обезбедување на информации за работењето на некоја јавна институција по претходно поднесено барање за пристап до информации од јавен карактер. Односно, станува збор за транспарентност преку примена на постапки пропишани со Законот за слободен пристап до информации од јавен карактер.



Колкаво е нивото на проактивна транспарентност кај јавните институции во РСМ во 2021 година

ПРОАКТИВНА ТРАНСПАРЕНТНОСТ  претставува објавување/пристапност на документи и информации за работењето на јавните институции, без истите да бидат побарани од страна на граѓаните. Проактивното објавување на документите кои во себе содржат податоци за работењето на јавните институции, со фокус на информации за нивното финансиско работење, претставува основа која им овозможува на граѓаните информирано да се вклучат во процесите на донесување на одлуки, самостојно да бараат промени, или пак да ги повикаат политичките избраници на одговорност.



The impact of court fees and costs and information about exemption from payment of court fees and costs as an obstacle or opportunity in respect of court protection for women who have suffered domestic violence

The Association ESE is continuously working to improve the court protection of women who have suffered domestic violence, with a special focus on facilitating access to family dispute proceedings. Recognizing the importance and urgent need of women to address the legal issues of domestic violence, ESE in 2019 undertook an initial survey to determine the impact of court fees and costs and the awareness of the practice of legal opportunities for exemption from court costs among women who have suffered domestic violence. In this field, we aim to determine the current situation and identify the obstacles that women face as they try to resolve legal issues in court as a result of the domestic violence suffered. 

The initial analysis from 2019 collected data from women who in the current year applied for free legal aid in ESE. This analysis covered all types of court proceedings in family disputes with the conclusion that women lead an average of two procedures in family disputes. Women have limited financial power to pay court costs with small differences for different proceedings, and few asked for exemption from payment of costs because they were not informed about this possibility before initiating the proceedings.


Cost and quality of access to justice for women who suffered domestic violence 2021

One of the strategic orientations of Association ESE is the enhancement of the level of legal protection for women who have suffered domestic violence. Association ESE recognizes the importance of effective legal protection through free legal aid in this regard, and that the provision of free legal aid for women can contribute to decreasing the rate of domestic violence in the country. This happens, in particular, when the civil court issues restraining orders. In 2015 Association ESE undertook initial steps for calculating the costs related to the provision of legal protection for women who had suffered domestic violence, as part of its efforts directed toward putting pressure on the Government to increase access to free legal aid and allocate sufficient funds for provision of legal services for women who have suffered domestic violence. In this regard, in 2015 Association ESE conducted cost analysis for legal assistance in domestic violence cases by calculating the costs for legal advice, preparation of written submissions, and court representation. These costs are usually incurred by the woman involved or, for those who access ESE assistance, the costs are incurred by ESE. What was evident from the calculations is that the state fails to allocate adequate funds for legal aid, including court representation in cases of domestic violence. As a result, the women who have suffered domestic violence are left on their own to find their own funds to seek protection.

In 2017 Association ESE conducted cost-benefit analysis by calculating the costs and assessing the quality of the procedure in domestic violence cases. The analysis incorporated the salaries and operational costs related to the work of ESE’s Legal Assistance Centre (LAC), as well as the costs that are paid by the women who suffered domestic violence. The latter included travel costs, clients’ lost work cost, childcare costs, costs for initiation of court procedures, costs for court verdicts, administrative costs etc. Another aspect that was analyzed was the quality of the procedure for women who suffered domestic violence using the following parameters: time spent in searching for free legal aid; quality of the services provided through the Legal Aid Centre; and the stress suffered by the women as a result of the legal problem and the process that they went through.











Domestic Violence

Health Rights

Fiscal Transparency

Legal Aid Center

Health Information Centre