Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




Human rights for all in the post-2015 framework

The association ESE along with 300 civil organizations from the whole world supported the joint initative „Human Rights for All in the Framework Post-2015“.

Human rights had significant place in the debate about the period after the Millennium Development Goals in 2015. In essence, the Post-2015 human rights based framework changes the model of solidarity into a model of justice, based on the inherent dignity of people as holders of human rights, national governments as primary holders of duty, as well as all development actors who share the joint responsibilities, but still differ.

Accordingly, the post-2015 framework should be designed as tool which strengthens the people and enables them – individually and collectively – to monitor their governments, other governments, businesses, international organizations and other development actors, and to ask for accountability in their action that affects the lives of people inside and across the borders.

The sustainable human rights based framework may serve as an instrument that will help the people and the states to overcome the structural obstacles towards an inclusive and equal development, to prevent conflicts and to stimulate the implementation and strengthening of all human rights – civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, right to development and right to healthy environment.

With this statement, we call the governments, international organizations and all other relevant actors to take the necessary steps for realization of these goals.

Read the whole statement











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