Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




Women's Land Rights in Farming Need Recognition

Women's land rights formed part of the discussions of the 68th session on the Commission for the Status of Women. Credit: Naureen Hossain/IPS

By Naureen Hossain

Women’s Land Rights in Farming Need Further Recognition | Inter Press Service (

UNITED NATIONS, Mar 21 2024 (IPS) - In the developing world, land rights for women remain tenuous in the agricultural sector. But if women farmers are recognized as landowners in their own right, it can lead to greater economic empowerment and be a positive step towards eradicating poverty.

This formed part of the wider discussions that are being hosted during the 68th session of the Commission for the Status of Women (CSW68) in New York. The leading theme of CSW68 and its side events is the effort to accelerate gender equality by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions.


Women's Leadership in Informal Justice Systems +

Direct Link to Full 50-Page 2023 Document: women_and_cij_issue_brief.pdf (

Date of Publication: 

Friday, October 13, 2023

About This Publication: 

The majority of justice seekers worldwide resolve their problems through customary and informal justice (CIJ) systems. Women constitute the largest group of users of CIJ systems for diverse reasons and rely on them for resolution of their justice problems. Women are not only users of CIJ systems, but also providers of justice within those systems. Women’s participation and leadership in CIJ systems is widespread, though their various roles and contributions are often under-recognised.


Principles on Gender Persecution - ICC

Direct Link to Full 10-Page 2024 Reesource Guide: Principles-Resource-Guide_EN_Final-3.4.24.pdf (

The International Criminal Court (ICC) Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) is developing a new set of Principles on the Crime of Gender Persecution, focusing on prevention, protection, survivor participation, and relief and recovery. Civil society groups are being asked to add their voice at the outset of the process to ensure that their communities and expertise are prioritized in the new Principles.

The Principles will develop a shared understanding of gender persecution across these pillars, serving as a new tool for human rights treaty bodies, UN peace and security experts, humanitarian actors, and human rights defenders. They wil strengthen recognition of and redress for gender-based crimes and discrimination before, during, and after conflict, through shared practices designed to end cycles of violence and to help survivors access meaningful justice.


Women Are Key to Global Food Systems

World Economic Forum: Women are key to global food systems. Here's what to know | World Economic Forum (

Women Are Central to Global Food Systems — Men Must Recognize

Saul Morris

Director of Programme Services, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)

Mduduzi Mbuya

Director of Knowledge Leadership, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)


Generation Equality Accountability Report 2023

Direct Link to Full 13-Page UN Women & Gender Equality Report: EJR-report-2023.pdf (

The 2023 Accountability Report demonstrated that the Generation Equality stakeholder model of solidarity and collaboration is working. With a remarkable presence in 126 countries, Generation Equality stakeholders are mobilizing new funding of at least USD 47 billion and are delivering game changing results through 849 policies, 2,306 programmes and 3,649 advocacy initiatives. New opportunities for collaboration are being fostered, reinforcing the importance of a networked multilateralism to transform gender inequality. Globally, 82 per cent of reported commitments have resulted in new or strengthened partnerships and 89 per cent support marginalized groups or communities. Among the six Action Coalitions, the Economic Justice and Rights Action Coalition is dedicated to achieving economic justice and rights for women and girls.




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