Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




How to Be a Role Model for Girls

How to Be a Role Model for Girls (

Together we can encourage the next generation of female leaders. Girls often look to the women in their lives for cues about how to think and act. When we speak confidently, take risks, and own our accomplishments, we set positive examples for girls to follow. There are countless opportunities every day to help girls gain the confidence and skills they need to lean in and take the lead.

1. Coach Girls to Speak Confidently

Girls can undermine themselves when they speak.

Many girls use phrases like “kind of” and “sort of” to weaken their statements. Some introduce opinions with disclaimers (“I’m not sure if this is right, but . . .”) or use upspeak so their statements sound like questions (“Martin Luther King, Jr., was a civil rights leader?”). These verbal crutches hinder a girl’s ability to share her ideas clearly and confidently—a habit that often carries over into adulthood.


Известување за почеток на процесот за подготовка на шестиот национален Акциски план за Партнерството за отворена власт 2024-2026 година

Почитувани претставници на организации на граѓанското општество,

Ве известуваме дека започнува процесот на подготовка на шестиот национален Акциски план за Партнерство за отворена власт 2024-2026 (НАП 6).
Со цел навремено вклучување и предвидливост на процесот на ко-креација, Советот за Партнерство за отворена власт на петтата седница одржана на 17.05.2023 година усвои Временска рамка на активности за подготовка на НАП 6 2024-2026.  Временската рамка може да ја најдете тука.

Во временската рамка се дадени првично утврдени датуми и истата може да се надополнува со настани и состаноци во организација на сите чинители во Партнерството за отворена власт. Во рамките на активностите за подготовка на Акцискиот план, предвиден е начинот на вклучувањето на засегнатите страни, едукација, работни сесии за ко-креирање на заложби, консултации и утврдување на планот. Ваквиот систематизиран начин на планирање и спроведување на процесот на консултација  ќе осигура навремен, непречен, инклузивен и транспарентен процес на ко-креирање на новиот акциски план за Партнерство за отворена власт.


Closing the Data Gaps in Women’s Health

World Health Day on 7 April 2023: Health For All

On 7 April 2023  ̶  World Health Day  ̶  The World Health Organization will observe its 75th birthday.

Closing the gender data gap in healthcare | McKinsey  

Exhibits noted in Article are accessed on the above website.

Closing the Data Gaps in Women’s Health

By Delaney Burns, Tara Grabowsky, Emma Kemble, and Lucy Pérez

April 3, 2023 - Now more than ever, data is at the center of engagement and decision making. Healthcare and life sciences are no exception: data is central to discussions about public health and is core to enabling continued scientific advancement. The accelerated digitalization of healthcare during the pandemic has only expanded the amount of health-related data available—and cemented the key role that it plays in care delivery, disease prediction and diagnosis, biopharma and medtech innovation, and patient outcomes.


Jobs & Pay for Women, Barely Improved in 20 Years: ILO

ILO/Marcel Crozet -The production floor of an apparel exporting factory in Bangladesh

Jobs and pay for women, barely improved in 20 years: UN labour agency | UN News

6 March 2023 -In a new blow for equality in the 21st century workplace, UN labour experts said on Monday that women’s access to jobs, their employment conditions and a persistent pay gap, have barely improved worldwide in nearly two decades.

The jobs gap for women is a “stubborn and damaging reality of the global labour market” but it is particularly worrying in developing countries, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said, with almost one in four women unable to find a job, compared with 16.6 per cent of men.




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Legal Aid Center

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